Purchasing Inexpensive Travel Insurance Online Made Easy (PGA SOMPO TravelJOY Plus – Philippines)

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It’s a question we get all the time in varying forms: Is travel insurance really necessary? Kailangan ba talaga ng travel insurance?

And our resounding answer is always the same: YES!

It’s easy to dismiss insurance. When planning a trip, we only picture ourselves having a blast, with everything running smoothly. We don’t really (want to) think about accidents, illnesses or untoward events. Most of the time, we don’t feel it because you don’t need to use it. But that’s exactly the point. Travel insurance is that one thing you wish you won’t have to use, but when something unfortunate happens, you’d be thanking the heavens that you have it. Because, guess what, when traveling, things don’t always go as planned.

Bad things can happen when traveling. We know travelers who met a severe accident in Taiwan, who lost their baggage in Europe, and who were terribly inconvenienced by flight delays. We don’t even need to look far. One of our close friends was rushed to the hospital after his appendix suddenly burst with no warning in Thailand. And we, ourselves, have been robbed while on the road.

So yes, without question, we always recommend getting a travel insurance. But how do you find one that is easy to get and easy on the pocket?

Thankfully, getting a budget-friendly insurance is now more convenient than ever before. PGA SOMPO, a joint venture of the two of the most trusted insurance companies in the Philippines and Japan, brings you TravelJOY Plus. And it’s collaborating with The Poor Traveler to make travel insurance more affordable and more accessible to the readers of this blog.

PGA Sompo TravelJoy Travel Insurance

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